Protecting Homes and People Against a Honey Bee Swarm in Columbus, OH

by | Nov 4, 2016 | Animal Removal

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Honey bees are busy pollinators that provide enormous benefits to gardeners. The numbers of the bees have declined in the U.S., and the loss of the species could affect crops if the population drops too low. Unfortunately, despite the value of keeping the creatures around they can still become a problem to people if they decide to build their hives close to a residence or within the walls of the home. The issue is, even more, concerning when a family member has an allergy to bee stings.

When to Relax

Seeing a Honey Bee Swarm in Columbus OH is not a sign that the creatures are taking up residence in the yard. Bee swarms seen in trees in the late spring are generally colonies resting up as they search for their new location. Keeping pets and people away from the area is the only action needed as they will usually leave within a couple of days.

When to Worry

It is a clear sign they have found their permanent location if the bees are seen entering and leaving a gap in a house exterior or the cavity of the tree and the numbers of the insects continue to climb. This is when homeowners will need to decide if they are happy to share their property with the insects or if they want them gone. Removing them is the only option if their chosen residence is in the walls of a home.

What to Do

Homeowners should not try to remove a Honey Bee Swarm in Columbus OH on their own. There is a high risk of getting stung, and many store brand insecticides are not entirely effective. Professional services can either remove and relocate or remove and destroy the hive safely and permanently. There are no laws against eradicating honey bees and it may be the only sensible option when people and pets are at risk.

Bees are only one of the many stinging insects that can infest a home and yard. Most homes face risks from numerous insects and other pests throughout the year. Visit Wildlife Control Company to learn more about the most common concerns in the area and how to defend against them.

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