Refinishing in Redding, CA Can Restore Old Furniture to its Former Glory

by | Jul 25, 2016 | Home Improvement

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There are many advantages furnishing a house with antiques or older wood furniture. Depending on the style, it can lend a rustic or a quite classy appeal to any home. And unlike much contemporary furniture, older pieces were built to last. That doesn’t mean that furniture owners can just sit back in their wooden chairs and sigh in appreciation indefinitely. Over time even extremely well constructed furniture will require refinishing in Redding CA.

Many older pieces are passed down through the generations, acquiring significant sentimental value. There is no reason to give up on grandma’s old dining room table just because it’s looking a little worse for the wear. Professional refinishing can remove stains or discolorations that occur over time, and restore a family heirloom to its former glory.

The process used depends on the level of wear the piece has incurred over time, and what kind of wood it was originally constructed from. Stripping the furniture often exposes surface damage like stains, burns, and watermarks. An experienced craftsman will remove these before applying a new coat. Often serious spots and stains require sanding, or even bleaching in extreme cases.

Trusting these kinds of refurbishments to an experienced professional is the safest response. It means owners don’t have to worry about the potentially disastrous mistakes that can occur when this process is performed by someone inexperienced. Well loved furniture and valuable antiques can lose value if improperly repaired or refinished, so it’s worth the money to hire someone who will get the job done right. The original color can be matched by using the appropriate amount of stain. The darker the color, the more coats will be necessary. But this process requires a certain degree of finesse and proper equipment.

Owners of more contemporary furnishings often find that refinishing is a good way to give their newer chairs, tables, and other furniture a more rustic and authentic feel. Whether the piece in question is a cherished antique, or a recent acquisition, owners will appreciate the results of a new custom Refinishing in Redding CA. Browse our website for more information or to get a quote on a project.

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