The Impact of Seasonal Changes on Office Cleanliness: Insights from a Cleaning Company in Minneapolis

by | Jun 24, 2024 | Cleaning Services

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Office cleanliness is critical to maintaining a healthy and productive work environment. However, sometimes, the task of keeping an office clean is significantly influenced by seasonal changes. Each season brings unique challenges that affect cleanliness in different ways. Here are insights from a cleaning company in Minneapolis on the impact of seasonal changes on office cleanliness.

Winter: Battling Snow, Salt, and Germs

Snow and slush tracked in from outside during winter can lead to wet and dirty floors, creating slip hazards and unsightly stains on carpets and entryways. Additionally, using salt and de-icing chemicals can leave residues that are not only challenging to clean but also damaging to flooring materials. We all know that winter is peak flu season, leading to an increased spread of germs and viruses within the office.

Spring: Tackling Pollen and Allergies

Spring brings a resurgence of plant life and, with it, an influx of pollen. For many, this means allergy season, which can be exacerbated by poor indoor air quality. Pollen can easily enter office buildings through open windows, ventilation systems, and on employees’ clothing, settling on surfaces and carpets. To combat this, work with a cleaning company in Minneapolis to ensure thorough and regular cleaning of all surfaces to improve indoor air quality.

Summer: Managing Heat, Humidity, and Mold

Summer’s heat and humidity can increase perspiration, which can transfer to office furniture and equipment. Additionally, warm, humid conditions can accelerate the growth of mold and mildew, particularly in poorly ventilated areas. Contact office cleaning services in Minneapolis ASAP if you notice mold or mildew growth.

Do you want to keep your office clean and healthy throughout the year? Visit EMD Cleaning Services, the leading cleaning company in Minneapolis.

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