Items to Deal With Before Backyard Fencing in Nassau County Is Installed

by | Feb 10, 2016 | Home and Garden

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Fencing the backyard is a practical method of defining boundaries. Because fencing can add value to the home, it can be a smart investment for increasing the equity in the home. Once the decision has been made to invest in fencing, these are some of the items to check before the fence gets installed.

If the home has a homeowner’s association, make sure to check the rules on Backyard Fencing in Nassau County prior to the purchase of materials. Some of these rules may dictate the type of materials utilized in the fencing as well as different height restrictions. In some cases, plans for the fencing may need to be submitted for approval before construction begins. Since this can take time, it should be one of the first items on the checklist.

If there is the potential for underground wires or piping, these lines should be identified prior to any digging. The potential exists if power lines are buried or if the piping is routed through the backyard. Sometimes, gas piping can also be run through backyards. While it won’t impede the ability to put up a fence, the support posts may need to be reconfigured to avoid these obstacles. Depending on their location, the lines may need to be professionally moved before any installation begins.

Sometimes, disputes can arise from the placement of Backyard Fencing in Nassau County. If these disputes are likely to occur, the best way to resolve them before things get out of hand is a thorough property line evaluation. This is usually performed by the city or a surveyor. Defining the property lines will ensure that the fence is properly located. This can also provide guidelines if there is an uncertainty about where the property lines are located. Uncertainty about property lines can lead to an under-utilization of the backyard space.

Backyard fencing is an upgrade in home value as well as the family’s lifestyle. Before having the fencing installed, it pays to do some homework beforehand. If help is needed in figuring out the process of installing a fence, contact Precision Fence LLC for more information. You can also visit the website to view the different types of fencing available or to set up an appointment.

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