Yard Grading in Augusta, KS Resolves Drainage Issues

by | May 26, 2016 | Home Contractor

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Foundation issues are all too common in the Augusta region, and most of those issues can be remedied. However, to avoid basements or slabs settling, it pays to explore the role drainage plays and address any issues observed. Foundation specialists focus on dealing with water and routinely point out to homeowners the damage so common in the area is, to a large degree, avoidable when drainage issues are properly taken care of. There are a couple of ways to improve a site’s drainage.

Proper Grading Comes First

Many of the area’s homes were never properly graded to allow runoff. Moisture control experts suggest the grade around a home slope at least one-half inch to one inch per foot for a distance of a minimum of six to ten feet from the home’s foundation. When foundation problems are present and a site’s drainage is insufficient, simply repairing the foundation won’t prevent the issue from reoccurring. Contractors will also recommend Yard Grading in Augusta KS as a part of an overall moisture control efforts.

Handling Difficult Grade Situations

When a home is located on a grade, water draining toward the home may be difficult to control. That type of runoff may be better dealt with by employing a more extensive type of site grading. Swales are often used to route water around a home that’s located on a hill. A contractor providing Yard Grading in Augusta KS can review the options with homeowners to select the best strategy for a specific site.

Don’t Forget the Gutters

When water is allowed to simply flow off a roof, it will erode the ground around the home. That means even when a correct grade is originally provided, uncontrolled roof runoff will quickly destroy the grade, allowing water to create foundation damage. Discuss the best use of gutters to control runoff with the foundation repair specialist. With the heavy rains commonly experienced in the area, gutters are an absolute necessity to avoid foundation damage created by saturated soils around a home.

Even if a home’s foundation has not experienced any damage yet, it pays to look carefully at a site’s drainage to make sure it is providing sufficient drainage. If it isn’t, or if you’ve got questions about improving your home’s site drainage, contact the experts at our website for advice.

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